ENEL X and IP open the first ULTRAFAST stations in Italy, as part of the European VIA FLEX-E project

Enel X and IP are set to accelerate the spread of electric mobility in Italy by creating a network of ultrafast stations that will make it possible for owners of plug-in electric and hybrid vehicles to recharge in around 15 minutes.

This will come in the form of seven HPC facilities located in major IP fuel outlets, and falls under the European “E-VIA FLEX-E” project, coordinated by Enel X in collaboration with EDF, Enedis, Verbund, Nissan, Groupe Renault and Ibil. It is co-financed by the European Commission as part of the Call for Proposals for Connecting Europe Facility Transport 2016. 

The first three ultrafast charging stations (up to 350 kW) are already open at IP service stations in Peschiera del Garda, in the Verona province; Zanica (Bergamo) and Biandrate (Novara), each of which has the capacity for four vehicles at the same time to charge in just 15 minutes. A further four locations will be added in 2021.

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