Privacy Policy

In accordance with Article 39 of European Regulation 2016/679, all companies in the Group have appointed a Data Protection Offer. They can be contacted as listed below:
italiana petroli S.p.A. Via Salaria 1322 00138 - Roma
IP Industrial S.p.A. Via Malagrotta, 226, 00166 - Roma
Bitumtec S.r.l.  Via Amalfi, 4, 10088 Volpiano (TO)
api Raffineria di Ancona Spa  Via Flaminia, 685 – 60015 - Falconara Marittima (AN)  
IP Services Srl Via Salaria 1322 – 00138 Roma  
Sigea _Sistema integrato Genova Arquata Spa  Via Girolamo Gastaldi 10 - 16163 Genova
Sòlergys Spa Via Salaria 1322 - 00138 Roma
 La Cantina Srl Via Salaria 1322 -00138 Roma
Campana energie rinnovabili Srl Via Salaria 1322 -00138 Roma
ESE S.r.l. Via Salaria 1322 -00138 Roma
Engycalor Energia Carole S.r.l. Via Salaria 1322 -00138 Roma
Sarpom S.r.l. Società a responsabilità limitata raffineria padana olii minerali Via Salaria 1322 -00138 Roma


This website contains information and documents pertaining to the company IP Gruppo api published purely for informative purposes. All information, materials, images and documents found on the website are protected by copyright and may not be used without the express consent of IP Gruppo api. All material published on this website is the exclusive property of Gruppo api.


This document sets out how we process your personal data when you visit this website. The procedure is governed by Article 13 of the EU Regulations 2016/679, otherwise known as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter referred to as “GDPR”) and affects users of our website services, accessed when you open the website with the address “”, which cis the home pages of the website belonging to IP Gruppo Api. This policy only applies to this website and does not cover any other websites you may come into contact with via links provided on it.


When you use this website, details that may identify or may identify you may be processed. The Data Controllers are the individual companies of Gruppo api, a list of which can be found at the address The email contacts of the Data Protection Officers appointed pursuant to Article 37 (subsequent amendments included) of the GDPR for those companies are listed in the table above.


Data relating to the services provided through this website are processed at the premises of IP Gruppo api as listed in the above-mentioned table. and will only be handled by authorised personnel and by Adiacent Srl (address: via della Piovola 138, Empoli 50053 FI), the company appointed as having responsibility for data protection and charged with handling technical aspects and occasional maintenance of the website. Only Adiacent personnel who have been trained in privacy matters will be authorised to be involved in any data processing. No details obtained as a result of using the website will be shared apart from those indicated in our cookie policy.


  1. Geolocation

When you use a portable device (smartphone, tablet, etc) to access our website, or use the “Stazione IP” app, you can choose to use the geolocation option to find your nearest distributor and then make a selection based on the products or services available. This function is entirely optional.

As such, when you select the “Search for an IP distributor” page on this website, you will be expressly asked if you consent to using geolocation. You may refuse to give your consent, and this will not affect your browsing experience on the website nor the distributor search function, although obviously in this case you will need to insert the address in question in the appropriate field to enable the search function. Geolocation data is used only for this purpose and is automatically cancelled when the browser is closed. No user profiling is carried out based on geolocation apart from that used for statistical purposes, in which case it is strictly anonymous.

  1. Browsing data

The computer systems and software behind the functionality of the website gather certain personal details in the course of their normal operation. These details are essential within the protocols of internet communication.

They are not collected for the purpose of identifying the user, but due to their nature, if cross-referenced with other data sources held by third parties, there is the chance that users could be identified.

This includes IP addresses (internet addresses assigned to a device by the internet service provider), the name and domain of the computer used to connect to the website, browser (eg Firefox or Internet Explorer), the date and time a request or search is made, and other parameters associated with the device’s operating system.

Such details should only be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of cybercrimes that cause damage to the website. They are, however, cancelled within six months of being processed.

In addition to the details specified in this website’s cookie policy, data in anonymous form may be collected and processed purely for statistical means to help us understand how the site is used, or to verify that the site is working as it should.

  1. Data provided voluntarily by users

When you voluntarily and explicitly send an email to addresses displayed or via online forms on this website, your email address and other personal details provided are automatically acquired so that we can respond to your request.

For the provision of certain services, specific information may be published on the relevant website pages.

  1. Data provided voluntarily by users on the “Become a service station operator” page

On the “Become a service station operator” page, users are requested to provide certain personal details which are necessary to evaluate the suitability of candidates, as explained in the description on the page in question. These details will be retained on our database for six months at which time they will be removed, unless they are required as part of the procedure for formalising a business relationship.

  1. Interaction with social networks

Please note that in cases where you yourself decide to insert your personal details available on one of our Facebook pages, or where they are inserted directly by the social network when you interact with it, your data will be processed only for the purposes specified every time on our page, which will, however be linked to our own marketing campaigns. We will only share your details with third parties where this is necessary in order to fulfil services or to participate in competitions and initiatives indicated on the Facebook page and they will be shared based on what you may decide to publish yourself.

In the interests of clarity, we would remind any user that the personal details inserted by them can be found on a social network page, to be specific, Facebook. Therefore, other data controllers exist and Gruppo api assumes no responsibility for such data controllers’ activities. Facebook’s privacy policy can be found here: (

We ask you to AVOID inserting any personal details that the GDPR would define as “sensitive” on the Facebook page of any Gruppo api company. Such details include anything that could reveal racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, union membership, genetic data, biometric data that could unequivocally identify a physical person, or data relating to the state of health, sex life or sexual orientation of a person.  Should you insert details of this nature on a Gruppo api Facebook page, the Group’s companies reserve the right to remove it at their discretion.


Besides the specified cases regarding cookie usage and browsing data, the provision of personal details in contact or information request forms, for geolocation purposes, on social network pages or in emails sent to the addresses displayed on the website is optional.

If we do not receive them, we may not be able to provide a full response to your question or provide the service requested but you can continue to browse the website freely.


All personal details are processed via automated means and retained only as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes indicated above. In any case, the maximum period they will be retained is that prescribed by the prevailing laws.

Specific measures are in place to prevent any security breaches that could either accidentally or unlawfully lead to the destruction, loss, amendment, unauthorised access to or disclosure of data provided, retained or processed.


You may exercise your rights as provided by Article 15 (including subsequent amendments) of the GDPR at any time. This includes the right to ask the Data Controller to give you access to the personal details held, to cancel or amend them, to limit how they are processed or to oppose their handling. You also have the right to receive them in a portable format where legally required. To exercise your rights, click here.

In particular, you always have the right to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of your personal data:

  • for legitimate reasons, even in the event that it is pertinent to the reason it was first obtained;
  • where you details would be used for marketing or direct sales purposes, market research activity or messages of a commercial nature.

 If you believe that your rights have been violated in regards to personal data handling, you can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. Details can be found at www.garanteprivacy.

From time to time, errors and malfunctions may occur when implementing or running automatic checks, so we would like to point out that we reserve to modify or update the privacy policy for this website at any time.


Diffida sempre da qualsiasi comunicazione via SMS, telefono o e-mail che, anche se apparentemente a nome della italiana petroli e/o di IP Gruppo api, richieda di fornire o confermare dati, credenziali o codici di sicurezza.

IP Gruppo api utilizza unicamente siti web con dominio “” e con URL preceduti da “https”; inoltre, nelle sue comunicazioni non inserisce link a pagine in cui sia richiesto di accettare aggiornamenti o modifiche di condizioni generali e/o di provvedere a cambiare password.

Si invita comunque, per motivi di sicurezza, a provvedere autonomamente e con frequenza al cambio password.

Diffida sempre da richieste sospette, soprattutto quando hanno carattere di urgenza.

Nel dubbio, prima di provvedere a qualsiasi azione, segnala richieste anomale al servizio clienti al numero di telefono 800 987 887 e, se sei cliente IP Plus, al n. 800 90 70 60.