
Certifications are not only a central element of our management system, but also act as an incentive to all staff to constantly come up with ways to improve.
Key certifications:
 Quality, Environment, Safety, Information Security

In June 2021, having demonstrated that our management system meets the requisites of this new standard, IP Gruppo api received ISO 45001 certification.

All Rome, Savona, Trecate, Barletta, Falconara and Volpiano sites hold ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) certification.

These certifications recognise that we conduct our business activities in a safe manner while also demonstrating respect for the community or territory in which we operate.

To optimise and rationalise this approach, in 2002 the Falconara Marittima refinery in Ancona introduced an Integrated Management System (Sistema di Gestione Integrata or SGI in Italian) that covers health, safety, the environment and quality. It comprises a series of procedures, checks and controls designed to safeguard the environment as part of an ongoing improvement process.
Furthermore, almost all of the activities and operating sites that make up the group's consolidated financial reporting benefit from ISO 9001-quality certified management systems. These are aimed at constant improvement in terms of performance, efficiency and effectiveness through the adoption of certain processes employed in carrying out activities and achieving objectives.

The Ancona Refinery was the first in Italy to achieve AIA (Autorizzazione Integrata Ambientale, which translates as Integrated Environmental Authorisation), which was renewed in 2018 following a partial review.

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