Organisation and management model

The api Group companies have adopted their own Organisation, Management and Control Model in execution of Legislative Decree 231/2001 et seq. in order to ensure the correctness  and transparency of company activities as well as to prevent criminal conduct, pursuant to the law. 

This Legislative Decree establishes that a company can be held liable, and consequently sanctioned, in relation to certain crimes outlined by the legislature that were committed or attempted in the interest or to the advantage of the company.

Relevant offences can be committed not only by persons belonging to the company staff, for example employees, top management, directors but also by external stakeholders or customers, suppliers and consultants.

The company is excluded from liability if it has adopted and effectively implemented Organisation, Management and Control Models suitable for preventing offences, and if it has established a Body (Supervisory Body) in charge of supervising the functioning and observance of the models.

Each Group company with an Organisation, Management and Control Model has appointed its own Supervisory Body, which is designed to:

  • be independent and in a third party position with respect to those whom it will have to supervise;
  • be endowed with autonomous powers of initiative and control;
  • have financial independence;
  • be free of any operational duties;
  • ensure continuity of action;
  • meet the professionalism requirements described above;
  • be able to take advantage of a direct communication channel with top management.

The notice of conduct contrary to company ethics rules and policies can be communicated by those who have knowledge about it, including anonymously, to the Supervisory Body of the specific company through the following methods:

Whistleblowing Application

For all information in this regard, please consult the dedicated page.

Written communication

They can be sent to the Supervisory Body directly at the Company's registered office, located in Via Salaria 1322, 00138 Rome, specifying the Supervisory Body of the corresponding Company as the recipient. 

Email communication

The dedicated email addresses are:

All reports are handled with methods and procedures aimed at guaranteeing and respecting the utmost confidentiality of the subjects and the facts reported and the anonymity of the identifying data of the whistleblower, the report and the facts subject to reporting.

In particular, the use of the whistleblowing application that can be accessed using the specific link guarantees the full confidentiality of the whistleblower's identity with IT methods which are also in compliance with privacy regulations.

Diffida sempre da qualsiasi comunicazione via SMS, telefono o e-mail che, anche se apparentemente a nome della italiana petroli e/o di IP Gruppo api, richieda di fornire o confermare dati, credenziali o codici di sicurezza.

IP Gruppo api utilizza unicamente siti web con dominio “” e con URL preceduti da “https”; inoltre, nelle sue comunicazioni non inserisce link a pagine in cui sia richiesto di accettare aggiornamenti o modifiche di condizioni generali e/o di provvedere a cambiare password.

Si invita comunque, per motivi di sicurezza, a provvedere autonomamente e con frequenza al cambio password.

Diffida sempre da richieste sospette, soprattutto quando hanno carattere di urgenza.

Nel dubbio, prima di provvedere a qualsiasi azione, segnala richieste anomale al servizio clienti al numero di telefono 800 987 887 e, se sei cliente IP Plus, al n. 800 90 70 60.