IP and Snam4Mobility

The first of 26 natural gas fuelling stations arising from an agreement between IP and Snam4Mobility opens in Lazio

On 21 January 2021, the first of 26 new natural gas refuelling stations that Snam4Mobility will create within the IP distribution network was opened at Rieti, Lazio. The Rieti outlet, in via Oreste di Fazio, is the first of the sites contracted to be built by Snam4Mobility and IP, following the framework agreement signed by the two companies in 2018.
Another five outlets are due to open, of which three will be located with motorway service areas on the  A1 (Mascherone Est-Roma, Mascherone Ovest-Roma and A1 Casilina Est Frosinone). For drivers of methane-fuelled vehicles in the province of Rieti, this marks a significant occasion as until now there was just one natural gas station in the entire territory.

The new opening represents an important milestone in the expansion of a natural gas distribution infrastructure for vehicles throughout Italy and is part of both companies’ plans to promote an increasingly sustainable approach to mobility.

In addition to the outlet in Rieti and the others in Lazio, new Snam4Mobility and IP natural gas refuelling sites are programmed in Lombardy (5 locations, including 3 on the motorway); Tuscany (5 locations, including 4 on the motorway), Emilia-Romagna and Veneto (each with 2 motorway locations); Abruzzo, Marche, Umbria and Piemonte (1 motorway location each) and Calabria and Puglia (both with 1).

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