IP Plus for the Italian Armed Forces

A special offer for Armed Force personnel and their families

Rome, 6 December 2021 – IP has announced that members of the Italian Armed Forces and their families will have access to a fuel card and exclusive benefits. This represents a tangible demonstration of support to an extremely important group and the people within it who work every single day to protect our country.

The initiative was agreed during a meeting between Daniele Bandiera, the Managing Director of IP and General Zauner, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Italian Army, which took place at the Armed Forces headquarters in via Venti Settembre, Rome. IP Director of Sales Simone Alfonsi was also present.

Armed Forces personnel can immediately request the new special IP Plus Fast card which allows them to refuel both at over 4800 IP service stations throughout Italy, using either self-service pumps or full-service options. They will have access to exclusive benefits, dedicated customer assistance and a special portal where they can check their purchase record.
“We are delighted to launch a collaboration with the Armed Forces, as it enables us to combine our pride in being Italian and our widespread network throughout the country. The initiative is exclusively available for Armed Forces and expresses our gratitude and desire to remain close to the people who work for Italy day after day” explains Daniele Bandiera, Managing Director of IP.

Diffida sempre da qualsiasi comunicazione via SMS, telefono o e-mail che, anche se apparentemente a nome della italiana petroli e/o di IP Gruppo api, richieda di fornire o confermare dati, credenziali o codici di sicurezza.

IP Gruppo api utilizza unicamente siti web con dominio “gruppoapi.com” e con URL preceduti da “https”; inoltre, nelle sue comunicazioni non inserisce link a pagine in cui sia richiesto di accettare aggiornamenti o modifiche di condizioni generali e/o di provvedere a cambiare password.

Si invita comunque, per motivi di sicurezza, a provvedere autonomamente e con frequenza al cambio password.

Diffida sempre da richieste sospette, soprattutto quando hanno carattere di urgenza.

Nel dubbio, prima di provvedere a qualsiasi azione, segnala richieste anomale al servizio clienti al numero di telefono 800 987 887 e, se sei cliente IP Plus, al n. 800 90 70 60.