Snam and IP

Snam and IP have finalised an agreement that will see a first batch of 26 new natural gas refuelling facilities

The new openings represent the first phase of implementing the framework agreement signed in 2018 between IP and Snam which set out a plan to open up to 200 new methane stations in Italy as part of the two companies’ commitment to promoting sustainable mobility. (Read the press release dated 6 August 2018).

The initiative marks an important period of growth for IP, in line with the company’s vision of evolving fuel outlets by providing a multi-energy offering that encompasses everything from diesel and petrol to fast and ultrafast electric power. Such outlets will offer clients a multitude of services, that are at the heart of the unique reach of the IP network.

The new facilities are in additional to the 46 existing IP methane stations and represent a concrete contribution to the development of an infrastructure that is vital to helping Italy transition towards sustainable mobility.
In particular, the investment in nine LNG stations is an important step in terms of a developing charging network for heavy gas-reliant transport vehicles.

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