IP Gruppo api follows a traditional management and control model comprised of a Board of Directors which deals with the management side and a Board of Auditors which acts as a control organ.
The scope of industrial and operational activities represents the consolidated balance sheet of Italiana Petroli, a limited company identified by the IP brand and 99.82% controlled by the Brachetti Peretti family.
Italiana Petroli S.p.A. 100% controls the following main companies:
- api Raffineria di Ancona S.p.A.:industrial refinery and petroleum products storage facility;
- IP Industrial S.p.A.: a petroleum products storage and processing facility based in Rome (formerly the Raffineria di Roma S.p.A.) together with some depots in the Northwest;
- Bitumtec s.r.l.: produces modified bitumens
- apioil UK l.t.d.: operates in the petroleum products trading sector.