Energy production from renewable sources

IP api Group has introduced sustainable organic raw materials into its production chain, using co-processing in its processing cycles. The Falconara and San Martino di Trecate sites are currently able to process approx. 20 kt/year and 55 kt/year of bio-derived charges as required by the European Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (the “RED”). The biofuels produced, which are already mixed in the plants with conventional fossil originating products, meet the criteria of sustainability and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions set by European standards on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.

The Group has already released advanced biofuels for consumption such as HVO (Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil) which is produced from 100% renewable raw materials.

These materials, if not used, have be adequately disposed of, so their use represents a contribution to the circular economy.

IP api Group also owns a plant for the production of electricity from wind sources in the countryside of Castelfranco in Miscano, in the province of Benevento.

The wind farm consists of 50 wind turbines with a unit capacity of 600 kW, for a total of 30 MW of installed capacity. The plant produces an average of 35,000 MWh per year and is able to cover the average needs of about 12,000 households.

IP api Group also has a group of both owned and shared photovoltaic plants distributed throughout the country for an installed capacity of over 4 MW.

In addition, the Group is working at various levels on the development of industrial projects based on the production of hydrogen from water electrolysis powered by electricity from renewable sources.

Finally, to give substance to the project for the development and innovation of the distribution network through the implementation of infrastructure that citizens will need in order to charge electric vehicles, IP launched the IPlanet project through an agreement with Macquarie, an investor and consultant that is a leader in the sectors of infrastructure and renewable energy, which envisages the creation of an equal joint venture for the electrification of 507 service areas on urban and extra-urban roads.